Winter adventures with the Outing Club may include a variety of cold-weather activities, but Saturday, February 27th, was specifically designated as the Bridgton Academy Long Lake Ice Fishing Derby, part of a larger contest that day hosted by Harrison, Maine Township. Any students who were in good academic standing had the chance to participate. The guidelines set forth for the day were simple: 1.) Teams could start one hour before sunrise, and 2.) Five traps were allowed per person. Bridgton provided the shelter, at least five traps per dorm team, tackle, bait, augers, snacks, and lunch on the grill.
As the day dawned cold with some light snow, members of the lacrosse team were reported to be the first seen on the ice, making their appearance at 5:30 am. Throughout the morning, several other teams showed up, all eager to catch the biggest fish and enjoy a Maine winter day.
In the end, Wolverine hockey players Tim Doyle and Shane Brait landed the winner, a three-pound pike. The day would not be complete without cooking the largest catch, and while pike may not be the best-tasting fish, several fishermen at least gave it a try. Over twenty-five students joined in the derby fun, which turned out to be truly memorable. Mr. David Rosen, leader of the Outing Club, reflects that he was glad to be organize this event for the students, “I think it’s great when young men spending a school year in Maine have the chance to enjoy some of the unique outdoor opportunities our state has to offer.”
A special thanks to Mr. Rosen, for overseeing the derby, as well as several other Bridgton staff members who contributed to the success and fun of the day.