College Counseling
A Message from the College Counseling Office
On behalf of my colleagues in the College Counseling Office, welcome to Bridgton Academy! We are excited to welcome you all to campus this fall. This summer our college counselors are busy preparing for your year here at the Academy; creating student files, organizing databases, and preparing to host our fall college fair, and, as always, looking forward to learning more about those of you who will be joining us in August.
To that end, the College Counseling Office has composed a questionnaire that will make it easier for counselors to learn and understand each student’s academic profile and application history. Such valuable information will allow us to better advocate for each of our counselees, thus enhancing the opportunities for admission to the most appropriate schools for them. The college process is extremely abbreviated and intensive at Bridgton Academy, and therefore, we need to get to know each of our students as quickly as possible. Your thorough and thoughtful responses to our questionnaire are extremely helpful!
Please visit this link to complete the survey.
This questionnaire is just a start. You will receive more detailed college information on Registration Day and throughout the year, as well as through our social media outlets: College Office’s Facebook Page, and our Instagram Page. To start the ball rolling, we are asking that you complete and return the college counseling survey by August 1st.
Thank you for your help in this very important first step of the Bridgton Academy college process. We are looking forward to working with you over the course of the upcoming year.
If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to email me at
Jamie Izaryk
Director of College Counseling