The Humanities Program
Our Humanities Department is located in the newest building on campus – our Humanities Center – which houses the library, Marcella-Sands Lecture Hall, and our College Counseling offices. With a keen eye towards skills-based learning, our Humanities courses are diverse and varied – and interesting. They’re designed to engage our students, rather then steer them towards regurgitating facts and reciting lines.
Humanities Department Skills
- Identify different writing styles to reveal author’s message
- Research, compare and contrast, response, narrative, persuasive
- Differentiate between primary and secondary sources
- And identify bias in either
- Understanding the Reading process
- Reading for a purpose
- Pre reading, During Reading, Post reading
- Know the story line (overarching summary), read closely, (read with a pen/annotate), start making connections
- Reading for a purpose
- Identify a thesis/argument in the writing of others and write a persuasive thesis/argument.
- Identify specific evidence in persuasive writing and how an author uses evidence to support their argument
- Identify ways authors create themes and reflect on them.
- Pathos, Logos, Ethos
- Annotating Text
- Note taking, highlighting, interpreting text for greater meaning (connections within text or with life experience).
- Understand writing as a process
- Creating questions to answer
- Prewriting
- writing
- multiple revisions including writing center
- editing
- Develop and Refine Foundational skills
- Write a complete sentence, write a topic sentence, paragraph with topic sentence and concluding sentence, develop an argument with appropriate structure, descriptive writing
(show not tell).
- Write a complete sentence, write a topic sentence, paragraph with topic sentence and concluding sentence, develop an argument with appropriate structure, descriptive writing
- Implement foundational skills via the following methods:
- Research, compare and contrast, response, narrative, persuasive
- Engage critically and constructively in oral exchanges of ideas (i.e. class discussions, peer group assignments, panel discussions).
- Offer constructive feedback.
- Participate actively and effectively in cooperative groups
- Deliver a clear, coherent oral presentation using information and diction suitable for subject, purpose, and audience.
- Show respect for the diverse dialects, traditions, and opinions of their classmates.